Ally Smart, Chief Executive Officer

High Engagement Made Simple

Reach that Next Level by Doing Something Different to Realize Results.

Chart a stronger course in Your Company supported by High Workforce Engagement and High Customer Engagement.

Do Big Things Simply™ with a proven step-by-step process without the hustle and without expensive tech.

Corporate Leader delivering Company address to his Workforce.

We Believe ..

Leading Should Be Simpler

We believe Leader education focusses on the details of running your Organization.

Management models, pricing models, profit and loss, company regulations … et cetera.

Yet we believe Leadership is more than financial and organizational stewardship of a corporate entity.

Our core belief is Leadership understands and motivates large numbers of people to realize Big Picture Objectives. 

And we believe MBAs leave a knowledge gap in how to become one of the Leaders People Follow™ willingly.

Great Leaders Lead People

Lead With Ease

To Lead With Ease requires understanding, defining and reinforcing your ‘Workforce’s Big Picture Why’ for organic and perpetual higher performance for Organizational and Individual Success.

Leading With Ease is your Reward when you provide your Company and its People the more compelling and motivational reasons beyond salary to do their best.

The Big Picture Why

Leaders with these skills feel increasingly fulfilled as their Leadership, their People, and Organizational Outcomes align, and improve the work life of their employees.

To identify your ‘Workforce’s Big Picture Why’ and align that with your ‘Company’s Big Picture Why’ is a critical element in transforming your Leadership from ‘Telling’ to ‘High Engagement’.

This adds Next Level Leadership Influence with a Strategic Engagement Focus to mobilize your 50+ to 10,000+ strong workforce to greater heights of Success.

Leaders People Follow™ goes beyond other Leadership Mentoring, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching and Business Coaching programs to develop your unique ability to Empower and Engage Others to Achieve Your Vision with our High Engagement System or HES™.

CEO addresses her Workforce from a glass lectern

The High Engagement System™

The High Engagement System or HES™ supports Leaders to skilfully integrate your Company's Big Picture Mission Statements and Operational Targets with your Workforce's Big Picture Why. So when you speak of Strategic Directions it eliminates a 'So What?' response from your workforce and replaces it with organic perpetual performance improvement in the Domains of People, Results and Growth.


Strong Business Relationships are the cornerstone of High Engagement and Successful Organizations. By ensuring Processes support Your People it builds momentum for Strong Results in financial metrics, social capital and High Engagement.


High Engagement transforms Operational and Financial targets into meaningful People Goals Company-wide. Accelerate and achieve Superior Results by shifting individual effort to collective commitment to Corporate Plans.


When People are, and feel, valued and important to the work, better ideas and opportunities result. 'Extra effort' and commitment are given willingly with High Engagement creating win-wins and easy Company growth.

The New Leadership Perspective

high engagement leadership

High Engagement Leadership understands your workforce from their perspective.

Viewing your Company in this way gives your Leadership a wealth of insider knowledge connecting every employee to the path Your Company is taking.

Your People will be invested in Corporate Goals, making the processes of doing business, wealth creation and organizational growth organic, easier, simpler.

Leading in this way is much more effective and efficient than allowing your Leadership directives to trickle through different divisions, departments and teams.

Organic, easier, simpler growth

Amplify Your Message. Multiply Your Success

Leadership today is very different to only 5 years ago and is continuing to evolve at a quickened pace.

Leaders are evolving to keep pace with change

Because of the continued pace of change and heightened expectations of Leaders, how to Lead needs to become simpler not more complex to Stay Ahead of the Curve.

Leadership is hard, but it doesn’t need to be.

Leading Your People, Engaging with Your Customers and External Stakeholders can be simplified and made more Successful by amplifying the needs of groups to present as one yet feel they are individually important to the process and their efforts valued and recognized by those that Lead.

Leaders using the High Engagement System™ watch their Companies flourish and their Leadership simplify by flipping the focus onto what do ‘they’ need for the Company to grow.